Rattlesnake Ledge Hike
A couple of weeks ago, on a typical Pacific Northwest day (rain and low temps), after church we were invited to go hiking with a group of friends.
The destination was Rattlesnake Ledge, down in the Snoqualmie/North Bend region. My friend had been there before and she loves it. We had never been there and were very much looking forward to it!

Rattlesnake Ledge Trail, WA
I love that I was able to find great information on the Washington Trails Association website. I am a member and I appreciate everything they do to keep our trails looking good.
When we started the hike it wasn’t raining too much but the further we went the more it rained.
This was a great opportunity for us to spend time with adult friends (not just work) and the kids also got to hang out with their friends and we were able to enjoy nature (as wet as it was). It was a win-win situation.

Foggy Rattkesnake Ledge Trail

Rainy Day Hike
We made it all the way to the top of the mountain but it was cloudy and foggy so we couldn’t really see anything around us. Though right as we were about to leave, the fog started to disappear and we were able to enjoy a few minutes of this:

Rattlesnake Ledge, Washington
Even though the trail was crazy busy, it was still fun.

Rattlesnake Ledge
After the hike our friends wanted to go check out the Snoqualmie Falls and we joined them.

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington
I can’t wait to go there again when it is not rainy and cold… Ecuadorian girl here, ya know! I need sun!
Hope you get the chance to go visit this place.
Thanks for stopping by!