Diablo Lake Lookout

Heather – Maple Pass Loop

View of Lake Ann | Heather – Maple Pass Loop | North Cascades

What could be more therapeutic and energizing than getting lost in the forest?

I did not really get lost but I did get to come back for a second round to Heather – Maple Pass Loop, this time with the family.

We started our adventure at 4am when we left home. We are a little intense when it comes about hikes in that we always leave very early to avoid crowds, find parking, and simply because we like starting our hikes early. The three hour drive turned into four hours (we stopped for gas, to let the pup do his business, and to enjoy the amazing view of Diablo Lake).

Diablo Lake Lookout
Diablo Lake Lookout

The picture above is not from this trip but from last July (2018) when I went backpacking with a group of girl friends.

Heather – Maple Pass Loop Trail is located on the North Cascades. It has the most beautiful views I’ve had the privilege of witnessing here in the Pacific Northwest.

Heather – Maple Pass Loop Trail

Our Havaton was definitely loving the hike despite the steep parts of the trail. He always led the way and was never picked up (except when we went through the snowy parts.

The Hiker Havaton

I think he slept for most of the drive back home.

About the trail…

This was not necessarily an easy hike as they were some steep parts of the trail that kinda forced us to take a few breaks. The Heather – Maple Pass Loop trail, roundtrip, is about 7.2 miles with the highest elevation point being 6650 ft., according to WTA (Washington Trails Association).

Heather – Maple Pass Loop Trail
Snowy sections of the trail.

If you are looking for a not-too-crowded, beautiful views sort of hike, this is the one to explore. While the parking lot was pretty full at the end of our hike, the trail itself is so big and wide that you don’t run into crowds.

I am beyond grateful for all the beauty that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Next on my list Dorothy Lake up in Skykomish.

Until then… don’t forget to explore!