Braided Cinnamon Brioche Bread
You guys! I’ve been MIA from the blog for way too long!
I can’t say that I am fully back but I am here right now. I am trying to be present. Living the moment that has been gifted to me, today, right now.
I am here. Feeling the emotions. Allowing and accepting the changes, whether good or bad, that have taken place in our lives. My family’s lives.
My daughter is now a Senior in high school. She is so independent and so mature (considering her age, of course), that sometimes drives me absolutely nuts! But… that’s only because I love being part of her life and I just want to be involved 110%. You know?
She has great grades, is an amazing athlete (plays volleyball and basketball, and runs Track – 1600m and 3200m), and is an incredibly sweet sister to her brother.
My son… he is a complete stinker. How could I not love him if all he does is keep me and the hubby on our toes. He has such a caring heart. He always comes up with the funniest and yet serious questions.
He recently changed schools and I think I was worried about the transition a lot more than he was. But I am mom and you know what that means… right? – Please tell me I am not alone on the mom-worrier-thingy!? Please?
Since June 2019, when I became injured and had to (temporarily) stop running, my love for baking grew. LIKE A LOT.
Breads. Artisan breads. Breakfast pastries. Pizza.
For Christmas, the kids got me a new cookbook. (Remember my post about my ridiculous obsession of cookbooks? Well, not much has changed there!)
The book is called Baking with Julia: Savor the Joys of Baking with America’s Best Bakers by Dorie Greenspan. It is AMAZING! Julia Child has been an idol of mine for years and so when I got the book, I gasped and could not wait to start trying out the recipes.
I had always been terrified of baking bread. It just seemed like a very daunting process and I was afraid of screwing up. So far… it’s worked out just fine! At least, that’s what my humanoids tell me.
Here you have braided cinnamon brioche bread. I made the brioche dough from scratch. It was not easy but it wasn’t too complicated, if that makes any sense? I think it was the right amount of work for the end result. Brioche is such a delicate dough and it requires some love. Dough love… hahaha
I love how much I’ve learned from Julia’s baking techniques and teachings. I still have ways to go, and most definitely need some a lot of work on shaping my breads and pastries better but hey, I am just an amateur baker. Barely getting my feet wet!
The adventure shall continue!
On a different note… I started running again. I am so happy to finally put my running shoes on and go for a run. The runs have been fairly easy. Well, what I mean is that I am not going as “fast” as my usual pace (8:35 previous pace, 9:55 current pace), but I am going as fast as my body (my hips to be more specific) can handle. I simply don’t want to over-do it and then regret the consequences.
I signed up for a half marathon in May. I am very much looking forward to it because a friend and her family will be participating too.
I will do my best to keep you updated on my training and baking. They are both my favorite hobbies and bring me lots of joy and happiness so I want to share it with you 🙂
See you soon!